In about 2009 or 2010, a Korean firm eyed Legazpi for the establishment of a retirement hub. Nobody knows what has happened since but recently, another firm, which is of Japanese nationality, is set to construct a retirement centre in the city (according to this article entitled " Residential, Commercial, Retirement Centre Soon to Rise in Legazpi City "). These developments indicate Legazpi's marketability for retirement hubs. The city has picturesque views and, at times, relaxing weather, which both attract oldies to retire in the city. However, the city government must complement this potentials with medical tourism to sustain its marketability in such industry. Imposing quality controls in a way that all hospitals in the city must comply with may not be an effective solution since only very few of these hospitals have enough funds and budget for such expensive aims. The one thing that the LGU can do however is to do "certifications" whereb...
A collection of essays on the economy by a cpa lawyer.