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Showing posts from 2020

The Views at Estanza Ridge

A new tourist attraction is rising in the southern highlands of Legazpi City... Ocean View. Poliqui Bay as viewed from the ridge. Locals have already grown accustomed to the Legazpi Boulevard, which though has fantastic views, may not be as grand as this new attraction. City View. Legazpi as can be seen from the ridge. Popularly known as the Highlands due to the name of the new subdivision located there, I'd rather have it named as "Estanza Viewing Ridge" because it is precisely a ridge with splendid views. Estanza is the name of the barangay where the ridge is located. This is the best I can do to fit all three in one frame but it's still a miss. Unlike other attractions in the city, this ridge has a full view of Mayon Volcano, the city of Legazpi, and the scenic Poliqui Bay all in one frame. Unfortunately, it is very hard to fit all these three in one picture so you'll never appreciate the grandeur I'm talking about unless you ...